Friday, 17 January 2020

Crisis On Infinite Earths - Analysis & Breakdown : Hour Five [DC's Legends Of Tomorrow]

I'm gonna say straight up that i basically hated this hour of Crisis. Being the DC's Legends Of Tomorrow hour, it was written by their writers who have absolutely no idea how to write serious & sincere stories and rely on outright silliness and semantics as their entire MO in showrunning this goofy, stupid mess of a show.

So of course, along came all of that to the biggest live action crossover in history and resulted in the most frustratingly childish anti-climax in history. We begin with the reveal that Barry and Kara co-exist on the same Earth, along with team Arrow and the Legends themselves. We get a delightful cameo from original Crisis comic writer Marv Wolfman who plays a lovely chap called...Marv, who asks if he can have Supergirl & Flash's autograph after taking down Weather Witch. This is one of the few good moments in this hour and the fact that it unifies all our main heroes on a single Earth means we can have more mini crossovers between each show as well as more references to the events taking place on each other's shows. Case in point being Black Lightning. 

Then it all sort of falls apart from there because fucking Beebo shows up. Yeah, that stupid, annoying cuddly toy introduced in Legends third season and became a major thing just had to be part of this crossover despite having absolutely no business being a part of it and contributes precisely nothing to this hour. I mean, it doesn't move the story along and it doesn't have anything to do with the bigger story in any way, shape or form. It honestly feels like product placement at this point.  

The rest of the episode is spent by J'onn restoring the memories of the original universe and timeline for those who were initially erased by the anti-matter wave in hour three, including the restored Nash Wells, no longer possessing his abilities as Pariah and each member of Team Arrow who now know that Oliver died twice. 

The biggest part of this episode comes with the reveal of the shadow demons are still hunting paragons and the Anti-Monitor being very much alive. Because of the time wasted by the whole Beebo scene, the big final battle feels very, very weak and incredibly rushed which ultimately results in a battle that seems far too easy for the heroes to win considering how powerful the Anti-Monitor has proven himself to be over the previous hours of the crossover. Ultimately though, with the idea from Ryan Choi and help from Nash, the Anti-Monitor is defeated using a shrinking bomb which will keep him shrinking for eternity, trapping him in the microverse (think : Ant-Man). 

The episode and by extention, event as a whole ends with a redux of the original opening monologue but this time, spoken by Oliver instead of The Monitor which reveals that while our heroes exist on one Earth (revealed to be Earth-Prime), the multiverse still exists and is home to Stargirl on Earth-2, HBO Max upcoming Green Lantern on Earth-12, Swamp Thing on Earth-19, Titans on Earth-9, the Doom Patrol on Earth-21 and Kingdom Come Superman on Earth-96. There's a poignant final scene of our heroes in the Hall Of Justice, officially setting up a CW Justice League and a direct reference to The Wonder twins with the reveal that Gleek was caged in the Hall and has seemingly escaped. So thats the next crossover sorted? 

So yeah, Crisis On Infinite Earths was by far the biggest thing ever done in live action comic book history on par with Avengers Infinity War & Endgame but with only a fraction of the budget for both movies, it still pulled off some serious fan service in this entire crossover and did not disappoint. It might have been rather anti-climactic in the end but overall, it was a spectacular feat of television. Crisis On Infinite Earths overall deserves a score of 10/10.

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