Saturday 23 November 2019

Star Wars : The Mandalorian Review - Chapter 3

Advanced note : This review is a day late with the episode having aired yesterday but this won't become the normal routine. I've just been busy getting to grips with Jedi Fallen Order and forgot all about it yesterday. Apologies and yes, a review of the game will be coming once I've finished the story and can form a full assessment. So more on that soon! 

The Review

I think it's safe to say that waiting an entire week for a new episode of The Mandalorian was absolutely worth it. The one major issue i had with chapter 2 seems to no longer be an issue as this episode came in at thirty-seven minutes, only a minute shorter than the series premiere itself and an entire seven minutes longer than the previous episode. The remaining five episodes will likely also be between thirty five to forty minutes, particularly the season finale which could end up being even longer.

Chapter 3 definitely upped the stakes and seemed to be setting up the major story for the remainder of the first season and featured what i think was one of the greatest moments in Star Wars history with the final fight between the tribe of Mandalorians and our Mando himself against the other bounty hunters as a result of Mando rescuing "Baby Yoda" from the Stormtroopers and Werner Herzog's mysterious character. Not only that but getting more flashbacks of young Mando during the Clone Wars by way of character origin explanation was nice and seeing super battle droids for the first time since 'Revenge Of The Sith' really was a killer easter egg. I absolutely have to give props to Dave and Jon again for the story they're putting together and Deborah Chow for giving us the strongest episode of the show so far, being the first woman ever to direct a live action Star Wars feature. The recent announcement that she'll be directing all six episodes of the upcoming Obi-Wan series on Disney+ is hugely exciting after seeing what she's capable of in the directors chair.


There's not much i can really say that isn't exactly what i said in last week's review of Chapter 2. The show remains incredible, its visually stunning, Ludwig Goransson's score seems to get better and better each week and i'm glad he's releasing the album for each chapter each week alongside the episode itself. There's a huge value to listening to those themes over and over, especially when you're writing blog posts! I hope though that next week will introduce Gina carano and Giancarlo Esposito's respective characters as we're now almost at the halfway point and we still haven't met them yet. All in all though, another top notch chapter!

Chapter 4 review coming Friday!

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