Saturday 30 November 2019

Star Wars : The Mandalorian Review - Chapter 4

Advanced note : This whole thing of being a day late really is becoming a running joke. I'm trying guys but it's becoming increasingly difficult finding time to write up a review on the same day as viewing. I'll continue aiming for Friday reviews but don't be surprised if they don't appear until Saturday.

The Review

The Mandalorian really is that gift that keeps on giving as we hit the halfway mark of the debut season. After the incredible third episode directed by Deborah Chow, this week's episode's directorial reigns are taken up by Bryce Dallas Howard, actress and director in her own right and daughter of veteran filmmaker Ron Howard who himself directed the 2018 Star Wars spinoff 'Solo'. 

Chapter 4 took a very somber tone compared to the previous chapters as Mando found a peaceful settlement to hide out with "Baby Yoda" and we got some additional character exposition with Mando, which seems to be slowly teasing a proper identity reveal as at this time, we still know very little about him. That being said, the best parts of this episode came towards the end with the reveal of raiders having control of a fully functioning AT-ST and seeing it wreak havoc on the settlement at night with its glowing red eye panels was truly something special and acted as a delightful throwback to the original trilogy.

I never expected to see a live action AT-ST on TV

As well as the advancement on plot and fan service with the AT-ST, the episode was also the longest of the season yet, clocking in at 41 minutes and also finally introduced another major character with 'Cara Dune' played by Gina Carano finally making her first appearance and she'll be appearing in at least two more episodes before the season ends which given the major hint at the arc for the remainder of this season that came in the final quarter of the episode, isn't all that surprising. We'll likely be seeing an appearance from Giancarlo Esposito's character 'Moff Gideon' in the next few episodes too.


Yeah what can i say other than The Mandalorian continues to go from strength to strength and is showing no signs of letting up the hype. Every chapter is delivering something original whilst also being very true to the entire Star Wars mythos and isn't afraid of dropping nods to the universe in other mediums. Much like with Deborah Chow, i hope Bryce is given the chance to direct another episode in the future, possibly even in the second season which is currently filming. Ludwig Goransson continues to provide exceptional music for each chapter that is always a joy to listen back to with the fact that they always hit his spotify on the same day. A good 60% of my playlist is now comprised of his score. All in all, another fantastic chapter and as usual, i can't wait to see what's next.

Chapter 5 review expected Friday!

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